Red Zone Paramedics
Red Zone Paramedics is a documentary film about an ambulance crew working the night shift on New Years Eve in Mitchells Plain, an area of Cape Town with high levels of gang related violence. Long granular shots winding through darks streets while navigating the visceral complexities of delivering healthcare in a city of complex contradictions – this is a film about the everyday experiences of life on the road.

Felicia's Journey
A film about a patient who travels 30 hours for a 15 minute consultation at Groote Schuur Hospital for a doctors appointment.
150 000 people make this journey using the HealthNet service every year. Without this service they would not be able to access the healthcare they need. But, bringing healthcare closer to where people live is the ultimate goal.
This film was used as an advocacy piece in the Department of Health and Wellness.

Unjust City
Against the backdrop of the 2019 military intervention, 3 interwoven stories take you on a journey thru Cape Town and shine a light on complexities at the intersection of health, inequality & violence. This film was made before the Covid-19 pandemic illustrates how the coronavirus is a 'crisis on a crisis'. Despite this, essential workers from all parts of the health system continue to provide care under extraordinarily difficult circumstances.
Through three interwoven stories of an ambulance crew, a community activist and a woman testifying against a prominent gang leader, the film shines a light on the complex issues at the intersection of inequality, violence and the health system. .

Lopende Ambulanse
In a small rural town disconnected from healthcare services, a group of inspiring first responders provide essential medical care. When yet another one of their patients dies after being transferred to hospital, they decide to embark on a journey to fight for better healthcare system in the Central Karoo. This is a story about unexpected healthcare heroes changing the world from the bottom up.
The film follows the ‘Lopende Ambulanse’ aka the 'Walking Ambulances' and as we join them delivering health care, we learn about the complex history of Merweville, the ongoing social divides and how the the first responders are building a better local health system.
[Film will be available soon]